
Duration: 1-3 hrs
Signature experiences

With Clayoquot Sound and the Bedwell River on the doorstep, Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge offers many wonderful ways to paddle and explore the vast and pristine marine environment.

The lodge offers a fleet of state-of-the art canoes, kayaks and stand up paddle boards for guests to embark on personally guided adventures through changing intertidal waterways that frame vibrant landscapes and rich wildlife habitats. Ride the tide to paddle the maze-like estuary, watching for foraging bears along the rocky shore, eagles’ nests in the forest canopy and otters, wild salmon and other native fish species in the water along the way.

Custom paddling excursions and bespoke heli-adventures are also available.


Activity essentials

  • Kayaks, Canoes or Paddle Boards (all provided)
  • Wetsuit, gloves, hood, neoprene boots (provided for Paddle Boarding)
  • Towel (provided)

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Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge